Anishnawbe Health Foundation

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Mission and Vision

Anishnawbe Health Foundation is a registered charity (Charitable Business Number 84999 1914 RR0001) that works with generous donors and partners to support improved health and well-being for the Indigenous community in Toronto.




Healthy Indigenous peoples contributing to sustainable urban communities.




To inspire philanthropy to:


  • Support an environment where the urban Indigenous community can heal spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally by enhancing capital and program funding for Anishnawbe Health Toronto; and
  • Foster the reclamation, preservation, research and application of traditional healing methods, including the sharing of these with all people.






We acknowledge and honour the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals and the teachings of all peoples. We pledge ourselves to creating and maintaining an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages and experiences and honours the commitment of our donors, volunteers, partners and staff.


Collaboration, Partnership and Teamwork:


We recognize that we cannot walk our healing path alone. We value and are committed to building strong relationships with all of our partners, including volunteers, corporate and community partners, donors, other Indigenous organizations in Toronto and other urban centres, and supporters towards our common goals of a strong, healthy urban Indigenous community and reconciliation.


Transparency and Accountability:


We are committed to ethical fundraising, exemplary governance and stewardship practices and accountability. Our Foundation is well managed, efficient and a great place to volunteer, work and invest in. We are focused on delivering results.