Anishnawbe Health Foundation

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Privacy Policy

Anishnawbe Health Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of all information that you choose to share with us. Our Privacy Policy is intended to ensure that any confidential information that we collect, use or disclose in providing services is managed according to the best and most current privacy practices, and complies with all relevant privacy legislation.


In particular:

  • Any information collected from donations, registration or order forms is transmitted through a secure server and is used only for the purpose for which it was sent.
  • The information you provide to us is used to help us in our fundraising activities and to process and receipt donations, to respond to information requests from donors and prospective donors, and to communicate future events or promotions.
  • Any e-mail address you send to us is kept strictly confidential and is used only to reply or send information as noted above.
  • Under no circumstances does the Foundation sell, barter or lease its donor or prospective donor lists to other organizations.


You always have the opportunity to update your contact information or opt-out of receiving future communications from us by contacting us at or calling 416-657-0379 ext. 232.