Join Us For The Wisdom Weavers Storytelling & Traditional Teachings Series
As part of COVID-19 Recovery efforts, Anishnawbe Health Toronto has launched Wisdom Weavers: Storytelling & Traditional Teachings, a 12-month series of live-stream storytelling presentations on enduring troubling times, surviving challenges, keeping families strong, and emerging stronger for it all. Elders and Knowledge Holders from across North America will share their experiences as well as stories within their own cultures and Nations.
The series began in January with Elder Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, ceremonial leader, traditional teacher and healer. Diane is a member of the Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation at Six Nations Grand River Territory and a citizen of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Diane’s presentation was titled “Tending to Spirit: Sharing Our Stories.” In March, Brenda Johnson, also member of Mohawk Nation at Six Nations Grand River Territory and widely respected social worker and community organizer from Ohsweken, Ontario spoke about “Our Responsibility to Care for Our Elders during Difficult Times.” If you missed the live-stream presentation or would like to re-watch visit – bit.ly/3sWNJkF
The Wisdom Weavers series continues monthly, throughout 2022, via Facebook Live and can be watched on Anishnawbe Health Toronto’s Facebook page – Facebook.com/Anishnawbe. The next live stream is Friday, April 1 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. and will feature Dylan Courchene. Dylan is a Traditional Healer at Anishnawbe Health Toronto. He is also a Knowledge Keeper with many communities across Turtle Island. All are welcome.
The 2022 Wisdom Weavers series is funded, in part through donations to Anishnawbe Health Foundation, including major support from Green Shield Canada as well funding received from the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs Ontario.