Anishnawbe Health Foundation

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Shiv’s Donation story: The power of a conversation

Shiv Bansal is a successful real estate broker and owner of the Shiv Bansal Real Estate team. He is also a local philanthropist who is in his second year of supporting the Anishnawabe Health Foundation. What motivated Shiv to give? An honest conversation with his son on the Residential School system and its past and present impact on Indigenous people in Canada. 


“Until about ten years ago, I was not aware of the shameful treatment of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the legacy of Residential Schools – my son was the one who first told me about this history,” says Shiv Bansal, “And then, a few years ago, I came to know about Anishnawbe Health Toronto, and the great work they do.” 


Since that conversation, Shiv Bansal and the Shiv Bansal Real Estate team have partnered with the Anishnawbe Health Foundation to create two successful matching campaigns supporting the Foundation. In 2022, Shiv matched donations for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation up to $25,000. In September of this year, Shiv was eager to continue his support for the foundation and joined us at our 4th Annual Reception & Auction where he matched donations up to $10,000.  


Through just one conversation Shiv was motivated to do his part in the journey towards reconciliation. 


We want to thank Shiv and his team for their generous spirit!