Anishnawbe Health Foundation

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Anishnawbe Health Foundation announces the coming departure of Julie Cookson as Executive Director

Earlier this year, Anishnawbe Health Foundation’s Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of Executive Director Julie Cookson and is announcing her departure, effective May 31, 2023.
Julie served as the Foundation’s first Executive Director and first employee, joining the organization nearly seven years ago in May 2016. She has played a critical role in working with Board leadership in establishing the philanthropic arm of Anishnawbe Health Toronto and developing the organization. With her leadership, Anishnawbe Health Foundation has achieved many milestones, including:


  • Establishing a governance and financial management framework for the organization and recruiting strong volunteer leadership
  • Growing philanthropic support for the organization to $2.5 million in annual revenue and completing the fundraising for two major initiatives – the new home for Anishnawbe Health Toronto due to open later this year and seed funding for the development of a Traditional Knowledge Training program
  • Shifting operations and growing donor and volunteer involvement to help meet urgent client needs during the global pandemic

    “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Julie for her many contributions to Anishnawbe Health Foundation,” said Andre Morriseau, Chair of Anishnawbe Health Foundation Board of Directors. “She has put us on a solid footing for the future. Through her dedication and commitment, Julie raised the profile of the important work that Anishnawbe Health Toronto does in our city and the need for donor investment in Indigenous health and healing. She will be missed by the Board, staff, volunteers, and our community of donors and partners. I know that she will continue to back our mission, and to champion increased philanthropic support of Indigenous causes going forward.”
    Anishnawbe Health Foundation’s Board of Directors has initiated a search for a new Executive Director to lead the organization going forward and we will update everyone on the successful candidate.