Anishnawbe Health Foundation

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About Our Logo


The Foundation’s logo was designed by Ojibwe artist Joseph Sagaj.

The logo incorporates spiritual tools and symbols of the Morningstar, Sweetgrass, the Medicine Wheel, the Four Colours and the Eagle Feather.




AHF logo

The Morningstar seen in the eastern direction symbolizes guidance and its brightness represents hope.



Sweetgrass is one of the four natural herbs used in ceremonies, purifications, offerings and for smudging. The strands of this sacred plant represent the hair of Mother Earth and its roots symbolize our connectedness to the earth. The braiding of the three strands signifies the unification of the body, mind and spirit as one. When the sweetgrass is burned as an offering, the scent and energy of this sacred plant travels to purify and dispel negativity.



The Medicine Wheel and the Four Colours represent the four universal directions commonly used and acknowledged in ceremony. Each of these directions represents colour and clans that are represented accordingly by different Nations. Some Nations use it as a Medicine Wheel or as a spiritual blueprint of life’s cycle accompanied by spirit guides or clans.



The Eagle Feather represents the eagle. With its mastery in flight, the eagle is respected in the winged world for its bravery and honour. This spirit is believed to carry our sacred thoughts and prayers to the Creator. The feather is used by many Nations to hold presence and spiritual purpose in ceremonies. It leads the way to humility and is an acknowledgment to our Creator.